
TODO: This needs to be rewritten now that while and for are distinct.

Many languages have three distinct loop structures: for, while, and foreach or something similar for generators. Magpie only has a single loop construct, but it subsumes all three of those. A simple loop looks like this:

while something do

The while something part is the clause, and the expression after do (here a block) is the body. The clause is evaluated at the beginning of each loop iteration (including before the first). If it fails, the loop body is skipped and the loop ends. There are two kinds of clauses:

while Clauses

The simplest is while. It evaluates a condition expression. If it evaluates to false, the loop ends, otherwise it continues. For example:

while 1 < 2 do print("forever...")

for Clauses

The other loop clause is for. It looks like:

for item in collection do print(item)

The expression after in is evaluated once before the loop starts and is expected to return an iterable object, which it then passes to the iterate method. That should return an iterator.

An iterator generates a series of values. There are two methods it gets passed to. The next() method is called before each loop iteration (including the first) and advances the iterator to its next position. If the iterator is out of values, it returns false and the clause fails, otherwise it returns true. The current getter returns the current value that the iterator is sitting on.

Each iteration of the loop, Magpie will advance the iterator and bind the current value to a variable. The variable is scoped within the body of the loop. What this means is that a loop like:

for item in collection do print(item)

Is really just syntactic sugar for something like:

val __iter = collection iterate()
while __iter next do
    val item = __iter current

All of this means that Magpie only has a foreach-like for loop. It doesn't have a primitive C-style for loop. To get the classic "iterate through a range of numbers" behavior, the standard library provides methods on numbers that return iterators:

for i = 1 to(5) do print(i)
// Prints "1", "2", "3", "4", "5".

for i = 1 until(5) do print(1)
// Prints "1", "2", "3", "4".

Here, to and until are just regular methods and not built-in keywords. They each return ranges that iterate through a series of numbers.

Combining Clauses

The reason Magpie has only a single loop expression is because clauses can be combined. A single loop can have as many clauses as you want, of either kind, in any order. At the beginning of each iteration of a loop (including before the first one), all of the clauses are evaluated in the order they appear. If any clause fails, the loop body is skipped and the loop ends. For example:

while happy
while knowIt do

Once one of those while clauses returns false, the loop ends. Note that the clauses are iterated in parallel, unlike nested loops:

for i = 1 to(3)
for j = 6 to(10) do
    print(i + ":" + j)
// Prints "1:6", "2:7", "3:8".

for i = 1 to(4) do
    for j = 6 to(10) do
        print(i + ":" + j)
// Prints "1:6", "1:7", "1:8", "1:9", "1:10", "2:7" ... "4:10".

The key difference is do. That's the keyword that indicates the end of the clauses and the beginning of the body. No matter how many clauses you have, a single do means a single loop.

Allowing multiple for clauses like this enables some handy idioms:

// Iterate through a collection with indexes
for i = 0 countingUp
for item = collection do
    // Here 'item' is the item and 'i' is its index.

// Iterate through the first 10 items in a collection.
for i = 1 to(10)
for item = collection do print(item)

// Iterate through a collection until an item is found.
var found = nothing
while found == nothing
for item = collection do
    if test(item) then found = item

Exiting Early

Inside the body of a loop, you can exit early using a break expression:

while true do
    if badNews then break

Return Value

Because loops are expressions, they return a value.

Right now, a loop will always return `nothing`, but that will likely change. It will be possible to define an `else` clause for a loop and then the expression will return the last result of evaluating the body, the expression passed to `break` or the expression after `else` if the body was never entered.